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Provides emergency assistance with rent to individuals and families experiencing a temporary financial crisis.
Rent payment assistance available for pregnant women.
Provides rental financial assistance in order to prevent eviction or to establish a residence, no deposits will be paid.
Provides low-income families with rental assistance in times of need. Call For Details
Neighborhood Centers work with families and individuals to help them achieve self-sufficiency and stability. Services include emergency assistance, Life Skills workshops, one-on-one Family Support and Targeted Coaching, and referrals to other community programs. Governmental and community funds are used to provide food, rent, or mortgage assistance and utility bill assistance; funding is limited; call for additional details.
One-time community grants or emergency financial relief for rent. Especially seeks to aid children.
Provides rental assistance to help income eligible families and individuals in need.
VAC receives various rental assistance grants throughout the year. Funding is based on availability. Available to individuals and families facing evictions, behind on rent/mortgage payments, and currently experiencing homelessness.
Provides rental assistance to individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Greene County, Illinois. Might be able to provide emergency lodging (hotel) in the event it is difficult finding a place.
Provides summer and winter utility bill assistance and rental assistance; funding is limited; call for details.
Provides low-income families with rental assistance in times of need. Call For Details
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a rental assistance program for families who are eligible. Call for details on assistance with past due rent payment.
Community Services Block Grant Program: Provides rent assistance due to un-forseen hardships/financial hardships and to income-eligible customers.
Neighborhood Centers work with families and individuals to help them achieve self-sufficiency and stability. Services include emergency assistance, Life Skills workshops, one-on-one Family Support and Targeted Coaching, and referrals to other community programs. Governmental and community funds are used to provide food, rent, or mortgage assistance and utility bill assistance; funding is limited; call for additional details.
Program funds are used to provide food, rent or mortgage assistance. Funding is limited. Please call for additional details.
Assists with rent payments so families in Atchison County Missouri can live in housing that is safe, healthy and affordable.
Provides funds for rent assistance, funding is limited, call for details.


Rent Payment Assistance
Provides rental assistance; funding is limited; call for details.
Program funds are used to provide rent assistance, funding is limited please call for additional details.
Assists with rent payments so families can live in housing that is safe, healthy and affordable.
Provides temporary assistance to honorably discharged veterans and their families for rent. Assistance in the form of checks to landlord. No cash goes directly to client.
Provides rent payment assistance.
Provides assistance with rental payment. Only for Granite City residents.
Provides assistance with first month rent or delinquent rent.
Provides rental assistance to those who are homeless and/or facing eviction. Funding based on grants.

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