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Offers general health care to area residents, focuses on medical care for the entire family.
Offers gynecologic exams, cancer screenings, pap smears, breast exams, urinary tract diagnosis and treatment, HIV testing, counseling and referrals, cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension screenings, prenatal education and referrals, pregnancy testing, counseling and referrals, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment to area residents.
Family Practice Clinic
Provides public health and county health services, such as birth and death certificates, child care nursing consultation, Show-Me-Healthy-Women, county sanitarian, immunizations and maternal and child care.
Provides community clinic services.
Student-operated primary health clinic. Dermatology, Musculoskeletal, and Diabetes clinics also available.
Resident clinic located in Jefferson City, Missouri inside Community Health Center.
Provides general health/medical screening, testing and treatment.
Provides primary health care services for Vietnamese speaking residents.
Provides a wide range of family health care services.
Providing family and internal medicine, behavioral health therapy and obstetrics/gynecology services.
Community clinic located in California, Missouri.
Provides basic health care including physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, nutrition assistance, testing and counseling for sexually transmitted diseases, preventive services and referrals for reportable and other communicable diseases, women's health services and more.
Provides basic health care services such as physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
Community clinic located in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Provides basic health care services such as physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
Services available include Medicaid temporary card, maternal and child health programs, screenings such as blood pressure, blood sugar, STD, Hepatitis B and cholesterol, case management for prenatals/lead, birth/death certificates, home health (including skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapy, and nursing aides), public health visits, child care nurse consultations and child care inspections.


Community Clinics
Missouri Family Health Council is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to making reproductive health care and education available and accessible to all, with particular concern for disadvantaged and under-served groups. MFHC administers several family planning related programs throughout Missouri.
Community clinic located in Linn, Missouri.
Adult Medicine; Women’s Health/Ultrasounds; Pediatrics; Podiatry; Adult Behavioral Health; CDC; Radiology (Plain Film); Pharmacy; Optometry; Audiology; Dental; Lab; WIC; Homeless Services; Health Records; and outreach.
Services Include: Adult Medicine; Women's Health/Ultrasounds; Pediatrics; Podiatry; Adult Behavioral Health; Dental; Lab; WIC; Outreach
Providing family medicine services, include treatment for colds, flus, infections, high blood pressure, diabetes, wellness visits (immunizations, shots, cancer testing), work, school and sports physicals, DOT and other physicals, women's health (Pap smears, mammograms, STD testing/treatment), pregnancy care and family planning services, minor procedures, weight management, management of diabetes and high blood pressure, child health (pediatrics and adolescent care), AIDS/HIV case management, counseling and testing services.
Provides a full range of family practice services working with patients to coordinate all medical, dental and mental health care needs.

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