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Serves a hot meal to anybody in need.
Hot meals served to individuals in service area.
Cosgrove's Soup Kitchen provides free lunch to those in need.
Provides a hot meal at the parish hall for anyone in need. Meals are served from the 2nd of the month through the 21st.
Apostles Community Kitchen: Provides a hot meal to those in need.
Offers a soup kitchen for individuals to enjoy a meal.
Provides a fresh lunch for anyone in need.
Serves as a soup kitchen.
Soup Kitchen provides one - two meals daily.
Serves free meals to people in need.
Lunch is open to anyone in the community.
Provides a soup kitchen to those in need
Provides a hot meal for the hungry and homeless.
Provides hot meals to those in need.
Provides hot meals for those in need.


Soup Kitchens
Provides a hot meal prepared and served on-site.
Casserole Program: Offers a free hot lunch to the homeless.
Provides hot meals to those in need.
Provides a hot meal to individuals in need.
Soup and Sandwich Kitchen: Serves nutritious lunches (soup, salads, sandwiches, entrees with dessert and beverages. Grab and Go Sack Lunches.

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