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Food pantry providing shelf stable food items to those in need in Gentry County, Missouri.
Provides emergency assistance with food to individuals and families experiencing a temporary financial crisis.
Food pantry located in Hannibal, Missouri.
Providing a food pantry for McDonald and Newton counties.
Local food pantry that serves Camden and Morgan Counties in Missouri
Provides food to families who are in need living within the DeSoto, Grandview and Hillsboro School District.
Provides shelf-stable food items to those in need.
Provides food to individuals in need.
Emergency food pantry provides 5- to 7-day food basket; clients fill out paperwork and there is a 24-hour waiting period; usually they can pick up prepacked basket the next morning. Also provides government commodities on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
Providing food items to those in need. Food is set up in pre packaged bags on a table outside the building.
Provides emergency food pantry (distributing free food when needed); an emergency food order can be requested twice a year (exceptions based on need) for grocery staples.


Food Pantries
Provides food to individuals in emergencies.
Provides food items to those in need.
Emergency food pantry and provides Blessing Packs to individuals who are homeless.
Provides food for individuals in need.
Emergency food pantry
Offers food assistance to area residents.
Provides food weekly to low income individuals and families. Clients choose their own food.
Food pantry located in Edina, Missouri.
Provides food pantry.

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