Assistive Technology Information | Paraquad, Inc.
Assistive Technology Demonstration Center: Features a variety of assistive technology such as; bathing and grooming equipment, blind or low vision equipment, computer access equipment, daily living equipment, deaf or hard of hearing equipment, leisure equipment and mobility equipment, that people can sample before deciding whether or not to purchase.
Physical Address
5240 Oakland Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110
Mon-Fri - 8:00am to 5:00pm
Application process
Call to schedule an appointment
No Fees
Required documents
- Proof of Residency - Proof of Income - Hearing test results sometimes may be required
Individuals with disabilities that require assistive technology
- American Sign Language - English
Service area
Saint Louis County, MO Saint Louis City County, MO
Agency info
Empowers people with disabilities to live more independently, including an extensive Information and Referral Service. Services include advocacy, special education advocacy, adult basic education, continuing education, GED/High School Equivalency test instruction, transition services for students with disabilities, subject tutoring, recreational aids, specialized telecommunications equipment, assistive technology equipment, assistive technology information, centers for independent living, independent living skills instruction, career awareness, comprehensive disability related employment programs, supported employment, summer youth employment programs, attendant services for people with disabilities, benefits screening, peer to peer networking, health/disability related support groups, disability rights groups, specialized information and referral and workshops/symposiums.