Adult Basic Education | Paraquad, Inc.

Assists participants with Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes to pass the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test), a series of five tests covering writing, science, math, literature and the arts, and social studies. These tests require the test taker to apply reading, math, language, and critical thinking skills. The participant and coach work in the community either at a HiSET class site or another location, depending on the participant goals.

Physical Address

5240 Oakland Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110


Call Mon-Fri - 8:00am to 5:00pm for program hours

Application process

Call to apply at (314) 289-4200


No Fees

Required documents

Call For Details


- Must be age 18 years and older and have a developmental disability - Must have an open case with Regional Center (Missouri Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities



Service area

Saint Louis County, MO

Agency info


Empowers people with disabilities to live more independently, including an extensive Information and Referral Service. Services include advocacy, special education advocacy, adult basic education, continuing education, GED/High School Equivalency test instruction, transition services for students with disabilities, subject tutoring, recreational aids, specialized telecommunications equipment, assistive technology equipment, assistive technology information, centers for independent living, independent living skills instruction, career awareness, comprehensive disability related employment programs, supported employment, summer youth employment programs, attendant services for people with disabilities, benefits screening, peer to peer networking, health/disability related support groups, disability rights groups, specialized information and referral and workshops/symposiums.

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