Transitional Housing/Shelter | St. Patrick Center
Women's Night Program: Provides an overnight emergency shelter for single women experiencing homelessness, mental illness and substance use disorder. Also provides support services to prepare women for permanent housing.
Physical Address
800 North Tucker Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63101
Mon-Sun - 4:30pm to 8:00am (Curfew is 6:30pm)
Application process
- Call Coordinated Entry for Intake - Come In Person at 8:00am or 1:00pm - If individual cannot come in person, can call and ask for the Welcome Center
No Fees
Required documents
No Documentation Required
Women age 18 years and older diagnosed with a mental illness and experiencing homelessness
Service area
Clinton County, IL Madison County, IL Monroe County, IL Randolph County, IL Saint Clair County, IL Franklin County, MO Jefferson County, MO Lincoln County, MO Saint Charles County, MO Saint Louis County, MO Saint Louis City County, MO Warren County, MO
Agency info
St. Patrick Center transforms lives through sustainable housing, employment and healthcare, following the compassion of Jesus. St. Patrick Center serves individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. Individuals and families build permanent, positive change in their lives through safe and affordable housing, sound mental and physical health, and employment and financial stability. Services include Food Pantries, Packed Lunches/Dinner, Soup Kitchen, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Rapid Re-Housing Programs, Homeless Drop In Center, Rent Payment Assistance, Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing/Shelter, Public Showers/Baths, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Job Training Formats, Job Interview Training, Job Readiness, Resume Preparation Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Well Animal Checkups, Case/Care Management, Christmas Meals, Thanksgiving Meals, Street Outreach Programs, Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Extreme Cold Warming Centers, Extreme Heat Cooling Centers, and Outreach Programs. LGBTQIA+ SERVING