Rent Payment Assistance | Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri
Program funds are used to provide rent assistance, funding is limited please call for additional details.
Physical Address
215 North Elson Street, Kirksville, MO 63501
Mon-Thu - 8:00am to 5:30pm
Application process
Call Or Apply In Person
No Fees
Required documents
- Photo ID - Proof of Income - Social Security Card - Proof of Residence - Rent Bill - Additional documents as requested
- Income Guidelines Apply - Agency will determine which program individuals are eligible for
Service area
Adair County, MO Clark County, MO Knox County, MO Schuyler County, MO Scotland County, MO
Agency info
Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri
Community Action Agency offers programs such as Early Head Start, Head Start, LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), ECIP (Energy Crisis Intervention Program), Weatherization, and other services through the CSBG (Community Services Block Grant). Services we provide include community gardening, emergency service programs, weatherization programs, rental assistance, utility payment assistance, Early Head Start and Head Start programs, Case/Care Management, and Teen Life Skills education classes. CAPNEMO also has rental homes in our 5 counties that individuals can apply.